Roll of the dice

In a previous post, one full of hopeless optimism and naive enthusiasm, I talked about re-launching my BlenderBits domain, see the About link above it you are interested in seeing the domain, for as long as it exists. Unfortunately reality has kicked in and I find, that in all honesty, I have neither the time, nor the interest in maintaining two discrete blogs, especially as they intersect on topics, Blender, so as this is the more generalised one, I have decided to use this one only....

24 November 2023 · 1 min · Mark

Blender Gamma Node

This isn’t intended as a doctrine, just some food for thought For a while now, I have been using the gamma node in Blender as an alternative to the color ramp and the map range node. There are a few reasons why I like the node: It is light weight. It is a simple one slider does all node. The node inputs are easily exposed in a Group. I can use one Image texture easily to drive more than one input - see below....

23 November 2023 · 2 min · Mark

Skipped September

We are now in the early stages of October, thank-fully, and I realised I hadn’t posted at all in the previous month. I put this down to the weather, the depressing news cycle, and the general distraction of work. Recently I started posting pictures on Unsplash, as a way of giving back to the site, which I have used for textures a few times over the year, and here is one I posted recently:...

5 October 2023 · 1 min · Mark

Feeling Sheepish

The month is nearly at an end and I am not feeling like this month has been very productive. The reason is probably the weather and the amount of people visiting this area in August. The weather has also been pretty horrid. Extreme humidity has left everything feeling muggy and damp. We have had so much rain in the last couple of months, I am expecting next years crop to be rice not wheat....

26 August 2023 · 1 min · Mark
Blender Edge Wear Node

Blender Edge Wear Node

This is a demonstration of how to create a Node Graph in Blender to make and Edge Wear node for use in Cycles. Step one: Create the node graph as shown above in Blender’s shader editor. Note the samples input this will be added next. Step two: Add a Samples input slot, so you can drive the Bevel node samples from outside the group. Step three: TAB out of the node group and then right click on the Samples input and Copy as Driver....

31 July 2023 · 1 min · Mark

Blending Machine Parts

I have recently been watching a YouTube channel from a Japanese machine tool maker, which I find interesting and relaxing. It is also a great source of reference material for 3D modelling. For ideas and materials, I have been making screenshots like crazy as I watch through his demonstrations. If you are interested in checking the channel out it is here: @SwapLampJapan I hadn’t thought of using YouTube as a source of reference but as the quality of the video cameras improve I am able to get some really nice shots for reference....

17 July 2023 · 2 min · Mark