April a Month Of Moves

I have been remiss in posting for a while and in April I posted nothing. The reason for this is the move I mentioned in the previous post. Well that and nothing really much of interest to say, apart from how much I hate cardboard now. May has had a slow start, still figuring out where to put stuff in the new place and how many curtains I need to hang, it is very bright here and I have four large windows, three full length with a door to open and a balcony, I know terrible....

8 May 2024 · 2 min · Mark

Moving Once Again

After nearly three years living here on the Elbe, we have finally found a new place back in town. Living out here has been a mixed bag of country calm, noisy garden machinery, and day tripper motorcycle madness. Post COVID has seen the later go from manageable to really annoying at times. The Elbe is not far from us, about 150m behind our house with the main shipping lane to Hamburg about 1....

28 March 2024 · 2 min · Mark

February a Bust

A lot of stuff going on this month and almost none of it productive. February has been a month of waiting and hoping, details still under wraps as I don’t wish to jinx anything. The first half of the month was reasonably productive I managed to add a more features to the addon I am working on. It is almost complete and I will post when it is finished. I am still not sure if I will release it or just keep it for personal use....

25 February 2024 · 1 min · Mark

Busy with Code

Twenty Five days into the new year and I realised, I hadn’t posted on here yet. To remedy that, here is a short update post: Last year I was working on an Addon for Blender, more details when it is finished. Suffice to say I had the addon working and I’ve been using it for a while. I wanted to add some additional features and tidy up the UI and then perhaps release it....

25 January 2024 · 2 min · Mark

Winter Time is Here Again

It has been an interesting year, I have rekindled my interest in photography, which I had let slide for a long time. I even bought back into the Adobe software by renewing my Photography plan. I have been using Affinity apps for a few years now and thought they were all I needed, and for my renders etc. the tools were more than enough. However for RAW images and photo organising Lightroom and Adobe Camera Raw are far superior....

15 December 2023 · 2 min · Mark

Roll of the dice

In a previous post, one full of hopeless optimism and naive enthusiasm, I talked about re-launching my BlenderBits domain, see the About link above it you are interested in seeing the domain, for as long as it exists. Unfortunately reality has kicked in and I find, that in all honesty, I have neither the time, nor the interest in maintaining two discrete blogs, especially as they intersect on topics, Blender, so as this is the more generalised one, I have decided to use this one only....

24 November 2023 · 1 min · Mark