Roll of the dice

In a previous post, one full of hopeless optimism and naive enthusiasm, I talked about re-launching my BlenderBits domain, see the About link above it you are interested in seeing the domain, for as long as it exists. Unfortunately reality has kicked in and I find, that in all honesty, I have neither the time, nor the interest in maintaining two discrete blogs, especially as they intersect on topics, Blender, so as this is the more generalised one, I have decided to use this one only....

24 November 2023 · 1 min · Mark

Feeling Sheepish

The month is nearly at an end and I am not feeling like this month has been very productive. The reason is probably the weather and the amount of people visiting this area in August. The weather has also been pretty horrid. Extreme humidity has left everything feeling muggy and damp. We have had so much rain in the last couple of months, I am expecting next years crop to be rice not wheat....

26 August 2023 · 1 min · Mark

Summer Rumblings

We are now well into June, half way in fact, and I realised I haven’t posted on the blog in a while. The reasons are the usual ones, a lack of interest and anything interesting to say. To that end this post is somewhat of an oxymoron, it is all of the above and thus posted purely for the sake of maintaining the blogs output. If I leave it too long, I will fall into a state of low inertia, and so will my posting....

16 June 2023 · 2 min · Mark

Bees Wax Candle

I recently decided to try and recycle some old bees wax candles as they had burnt down pretty much to the bottom but still had a good deal of wax left on them. I like bees wax and it seemed a shame to waste it, so I bought some wick and took some little jam jars and made my first candle. I melted the wax in a pot of hot water, but later found it is easier and quicker to melt the wax in a microwave....

7 March 2023 · 1 min · Mark

Cloud Storage Reduction

Cloud storage, for me at least, is becoming too vulnerable and time consuming to manage. It is also a huge pit for data hording, take Photos for example, so many old and irrelevant images going back years just sitting there on the cloud gathering pixel dust. With that in mind I have decided, that this year I am moving back to local storage and away from the likes of Google and One Drive....

20 January 2023 · 2 min · Mark