Blender Volume Shader

Blender has nice newish shader node for doing Volumetric renders i.e. foggy, misty environments, called Principled Volume. The way I have been doing it recently is to add a mesh cube around the object in the scene, see the image below. Tip: it helps to set the Cube Mesh Viewport Display to Display as Bounds. The Shader connections are shown below, note the Surface input is empty, the only connection is to the Volume....

1 October 2024 · 1 min · Mark
Blender Bevel

Blender Bevel Miter Outer

Blender Bevels come with a few options that are worth checking out before applying them. The interesting one for most use cases is the Miter Outer to change the spread pattern of the bevel on the outer edge. The default one is Sharp and is shown below: The second one is an Arc: And finally the Patch: Personally I like the Arc as it gives nicely spread out geometry around the sides and results in less shading issues....

31 August 2024 · 1 min · Mark

August a Hairy Month

Almost the end of the month of August and I haven’t posted anything at all. So I managed to get one post in before I missed the deadline, a hair month indeed. I have, as you may have guessed, been looking at the hair system. I started with the old Particle system and them moved on to the new Geometry Nodes version that comes with Blender 4.2 and in my case the 4....

30 August 2024 · 1 min · Mark
Pencil Sharpener

Virtual writing implements

I had some fun recently with some pens and pencils, not real but rather virtual. Although the models are for the most part simple enough it was still a nice learning experience. I tried a few methods to model the pencils tip and in the end went with a Boolean cutter, which kind of fits with the real world. Basically a 3D pencil sharpener. Next, I decided to model a Stabilo pen, as I happened to have one laying around on my desk....

18 July 2024 · 1 min · Mark
Boolean Node Group Use Example

Boolean Toggle Node Group

I recently posted a quick video of a very basic and yet useful Node Group setup in Blender. I think it was a little esoteric and perhaps people didn’t think it a serious post. It was serious and for me very useful. So I decided to explain the Group here and perhaps others may find it useful too. The Node Group As you see there are no nodes inside the Node Group this is intentional as none are actually needed....

25 June 2024 · 3 min · Mark

Art Posts from Mastodon

Some Moi3d and Blender models, in no particular order: I can be reached on Mastodon: Mark B Tomlinson. You can also subscribe to this Blog via its RSS link

21 June 2024 · 1 min · Mark