Busy with Code

Twenty Five days into the new year and I realised, I hadn’t posted on here yet. To remedy that, here is a short update post: Last year I was working on an Addon for Blender, more details when it is finished. Suffice to say I had the addon working and I’ve been using it for a while. I wanted to add some additional features and tidy up the UI and then perhaps release it....

25 January 2024 · 2 min · Mark

Blender Gamma Node

This isn’t intended as a doctrine, just some food for thought For a while now, I have been using the gamma node in Blender as an alternative to the color ramp and the map range node. There are a few reasons why I like the node: It is light weight. It is a simple one slider does all node. The node inputs are easily exposed in a Group. I can use one Image texture easily to drive more than one input - see below....

23 November 2023 · 2 min · Mark
Blender Edge Wear Node

Blender Edge Wear Node

This is a demonstration of how to create a Node Graph in Blender to make and Edge Wear node for use in Cycles. Step one: Create the node graph as shown above in Blender’s shader editor. Note the samples input this will be added next. Step two: Add a Samples input slot, so you can drive the Bevel node samples from outside the group. Step three: TAB out of the node group and then right click on the Samples input and Copy as Driver....

31 July 2023 · 1 min · Mark

Blending Machine Parts

I have recently been watching a YouTube channel from a Japanese machine tool maker, which I find interesting and relaxing. It is also a great source of reference material for 3D modelling. For ideas and materials, I have been making screenshots like crazy as I watch through his demonstrations. If you are interested in checking the channel out it is here: @SwapLampJapan I hadn’t thought of using YouTube as a source of reference but as the quality of the video cameras improve I am able to get some really nice shots for reference....

17 July 2023 · 2 min · Mark

Asset Surface Snapping Blender

When adding mesh assets, for use as a cutter for example, it is important to align the asset to the underlying geometry’s surface normals. This can be achieved by using the following setting in the snap options menu in the tool bar at the top of the Blender UI. This will snap the assets origin, as the center, to the surface of the target mesh, when using the CTRL key or by toggling the snapping option Magnet icon in the menu....

8 May 2023 · 1 min · Mark

Blender Bits is Back

It is my intention to use the site for any Blender specific tips and tricks I find whilst using Blender. I intend it to be a very personal and refined site, not a repetition of the already wonderful resources available to the community. It will contain things I found useful, and think I might need for future reference. Your millage will vary, but I do hope someone else gets something out of it hence me sharing....

18 April 2023 · 1 min · Mark

Blender Curve Manipulation Problem

If you find you are unable to move a curve handle in all three axis, it is probably due to the curve type being set to 2D. When you create the curve expand the Simple Curve dialog in the lower left of the viewport, or press F9: From here choose 3D and then, if you want curved splines, choose Auto in the Output Curve Type. The defaults are 2D and Vector and they may not be what you want for your curves....

11 April 2023 · 1 min · Mark

Sub-division Models

In recent years, there have been huge improvements in n-gon’s (non quad polygons). Specifically how well they render and games engines handle non triangular or quad polygons – in reality of course, all polygons are reduced to triangles for rendering. Three vertices being the lowest amount of points that are needed to create two dimensional forms. It seems now that the last place that require quad sub-D models is in deformed meshes, character animations and the like....

8 April 2023 · 1 min · Mark

Blender Class Naming Convention

Blender Class naming conventions - Python API As of Blender 2.8 the API naming requirement is for the class name to match the following convention: UPPER_CASE_{TYPE}_mixed_case Where {TYPE} is two letters denoting the class type inherited: HT – Header MT – Menu OT – Operator PT – Panel UL – UI list The class identifier “bl_idname” mast match the class name. Valid class name and identifier examples: class ADDONNAME_OT_my_operator(bpy.types.Operator): bl_idname = 'ADDONNAME_OT_my_operator' ....

19 October 2022 · 1 min · Mark

Backface Culling in Blender

Backface culling in Blender is set in two places, for solid view and for material view: Solid View In messageSolid view, i.e. Matcap, Studio etc. it is set from the topbar dropdown as shown below: Material View In Material view, i.e. EVEE is it set in the shader panel on the right, as shown below: Advantages Using backface culling allows the user to see through the backside of geometry. This is handy for looking at the bottom of objects, through a ground plane for example....

3 October 2022 · 1 min · Mark