Editing Linux Grub Boot Loader

This is for my reference I recently needed to revert the Kernel on my iMac/Linux machine. I had updated to the latest version, which caused a problem with the Brightness not working anymore. On an iMac that meant I had no way to adjust the screen, as it doesn’t have any physical buttons. I attempted to edit the grub file from the boot loader, but that didn’t work as there doesn’t seem to be an editor in the boot shell....

21 July 2024 · 2 min · Mark

Open - command Mac terminal

Open, command Mac terminal: Most Mac users will know that the open command in the Terminal will open files in the GUI or open a directory in Finder for example open . will open Finder in the current directory, this is useful, but there are a few more things it can do including opening in a specified application. Here is the usage dump from the tool: Usage: open [-e] [-t] [-f] [-W] [-R] [-n] [-g] [-h] [-s <partial SDK name>][-b <bundle identifier>] [-a <application>] [-u URL] [filenames] [--args arguments] Help: Open opens files from a shell....

2 February 2023 · 2 min · Mark

Linux Mint Login Loop

The default installation of Linux Mint on my iMac went very well right up until the moment it didn’t. I don’t know the cause, but I did find a few posts online about the problem I had, namely a login loop: whereby the login screen appeared to accept the login details only to show a blank screen momentarily, and then return to the login prompt. There were comments online proffering a solution in the form of ALT-CTRL-F1 etc....

15 January 2023 · 2 min · Mark

Multiple Symbolic Links Windows

Create a batch file, for example: symlink.bat with the following content and edit the source and target locations to suit. @echo off set "source=c:\source\directory" set "target=c:\target\directory" set "exclude=%temp%\exclude.txt" ( rem exclude files/dires with these strings into full path echo .txt echo pipe.cmd rem escaped backslash and initial and final quotes to avoid partial matches echo "c:\\source\\directory\\something.txt" rem exclude thisNot file/directory from source directory echo "%source:\=\\%\\thisNot" )> "%exclude%" forfiles /P "%source%" /C "cmd /c (echo @path|findstr /i /v /g:"%exclude%" >nul) && if @isdir==TRUE (mklink /d \"%target%\\\"@file @path) else (mklink \"%target%\\\"@file @path)" del "%exclude%" > nul Original answer posted on: stackoverflow

2 November 2021 · 1 min · Mark

Git Version Control Setup

After a few false starts I have finally got my Hugo site setup to use git submodule to push the HTML output to the remote webserver. It was a little involved at first, but once I got my head around the idea of a git repo within a git repo, not being a git repo but rather just a folder marked as a submodule of some parent module… you get the idea....

25 October 2021 · 1 min · Mark

Change Mac Machine Name via Terminal

I needed to change the name of one of my Macs remotely and this is the command to do it: sudo scutil --set HostName [NewHostNameHere]

22 October 2021 · 1 min · Mark